See How Eagle Hill Schools implemented RxAir Purifiers for school safety
95 RxAir units were installed at Eagle Hill School in October
allowing in-person learning
Hardwick, Massachusetts’ Eagle Hill School (EHS), a boarding and day school for grades 8-12, was the first school in the country to do a mass installation RxAir 400® UV-C Light Air Purifier Systems throughout its campus, including classrooms, common areas and dormitories.
Eagle Hill School installed 95 RxAir units —enough for every classroom, resident hall, fitness center, dining commons, and other social common areas.
“Eagle Hill is the premier school in the world for students diagnosed with learning disabilities,” stated Dr. PJ McDonald, Eagle Hill Head of School. “All students, especially those with learning disabilities, need and deserve to be taught live and in-person as opposed to online. RxAir is a critical part of allowing that to happen.
The difference between the education that Eagle Hill students are receiving right now and that provided to most of the high school students in America is dramatic, and, critically, it will have a lasting and compounding effect in their favor for years to come.”
Eagle Hill’s teachers are thrilled to be teaching in-person.
“The fact that our school was willing to invest in UV air purifying technology to create a healthy and safe teaching and learning environment allows me to walk into my classroom each day with confidence and inspiration,” stated Eric Stone, Eagle Hill English teacher. “We are so fortunate to be teaching live and in-person during this pandemic.”
RxAir’s ability to inactivate airborne pathogens helps create a healthier learning environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that poor indoor air quality “can reduce the productivity of teachers and staff due to discomfort, sickness or absenteeism.”
“There is no question that masks, distancing, sanitizing, and Covid-19 testing are all critical elements of maintaining a safe environment, but from a physical plant perspective it all starts with the air we breathe. And, importantly, not only does the RxAir’s UV technology kill or inactivate bacteria and viruses more effectively than traditional purifying systems, their filter-less system makes it human-proof. There is no way we would have the manpower or the budget to change out filters as often as would be necessary to fight the virus and we’re happy there are no filters laden with trapped active pathogens to touch.”
Devon Jurczyk, Eagle Hill Director of Facilities